




I just want to know it is possible to download and upload the whole database from google app engine to a sqlite db, in case I want to transfer my app from google app engine to another server?

What is the chance?

Thank you


In a related answer, I linked to the documentation for the bulk loader tool.

However you will be more interested in the rest of the document, especially the section on creating an exporter class for exportation of the data.

Hi jhs,I does not mean the bulkloader because it allows me to upload/download seperate instance only. I want a whole database at one time, is it possible? the task that I usually do in sql server management tools for sql server?
did you read the section of the linked document called "uploading and downloading all data? the bulkloader does grab all entities of a given kind at once. If you want the entire database, just write a script that loops through all of your kinds.
Peter Recore
in fact, I have written codes to grab all the entities of a kind. I just want to know if there exists a method easier to grab all the database at once. downloading the data will give us only the .csv file, not the backup of the database.
+2  A: 

There is a project called approcket that synchronizes Google App Engine datastore and a local MySQL database. Maybe you should have a look.
