



In Windows 7, the explorer shows a scroll tip in detailed view like this: alt text

This image is taken from this MSDN page, but there's no information there on how to activate this for a plain list control.

I'd like to get my list controls to do the same, but I can't figure out how to do this. There's the LVN_BEGINSCROLL and the LVN_ENDSCROLL notification message, but no LVN_SCROLL message which is sent while scrolling so I could implement my own scroll tip and updating it while scrolling.

I haven't found any window styles or settings for the list control to activate this feature either.

But since Windows 7 can do this, it must be possible somehow. Anyone got an idea how I could implement/activate this feature?


You could probably subclass the listview and catch WM_VSCROLL

A somewhat related article in MSJ implemented "scroll tips" and deferred scrolling
