



There is a website made using .net, the maker has gone and we can't find him.
For a long time we don't know the password of the sql server database, today I tried to reset the password and then found the website can't connect to the database!
However I've got the .cs and .aspx and .dll files, I checked the code and find it getting connection in the following way:

    public string ConnectString
        if (this.connectString == string.Empty)
            System.Configuration.AppSettingsReader Reader = new AppSettingsReader();
            connectString = (string)Reader.GetValue("conn", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
        return connectString;
        connectString = value;

public SqlConnection SqlConnection
        if (SqlCn == null)
           SqlCn = new SqlConnection(ConnectString);

        return SqlCn;

Since I've only known some JDBC and never touched .net, i've no ider how this works:

System.Configuration.AppSettingsReader Reader = new AppSettingsReader();
 connectString = (string)Reader.GetValue("conn", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));

Can I find the connectString in some file so I can change the password back? I searched all the files I have and can't find any containing the keyword "pwd" or "database" is useful. Now I have a new database password, can I simply change the line:

SqlCn = new SqlConnection("server=;database=****;uid=sa;pwd=****");

Still I want to know how to recompile the .cs to .aspx, and what I need to know to recover the website?

+2  A: 

Look for the configuration file. App.config is my guess.

My GOD..I found it!Now it works! thank you so much. I've been doing this all the morning..
Another mystery solved on stackoverflow

Find the webapp's web.config file, and look to the <appSettings> section, <conn> property.

Michael Petrotta
This is where exactly it is!

from what you are asking, you definitely are not a techie. you would have to look at your web.config (as you have mentioned aspx) for "Initial Catalog" under "conn" key in <appSettings> section. Your server cannot be unless you are running your web server (IIS) and your SQL Server from the same machine. I would suggest you hire someone who has some programming experience if you are looking for a long term solution including maintenance of your application

Edit:If you do have access to your SQL Server/if you have a DBA, you can reset the password for this user and use the new password. Rather than using SQL Authentication (username/password), I would suggest you to use Windows authentication as it is more secure

Yes I majored in Java,not any familiar to these..This must be an easy question,so I just chosed the first answer..