(Similar answer to Jan Hančič here, but I decided my take on the ratings was different enough...)
Your initial thought of a separate table to store likes/dislikes is absolutely the way I would go. I'd put indexes on the two main columns (player ID and post ID) which is critical to the next bit.
For example:
create table users (
userId varchar(254) not null,
-- ...
primary key (userId)
create table posts (
postId int(11) not null,
title varchar(254) not null,
content text not null,
-- ...
primary key (postId)
create table userPostRatings (
userId varchar(254) not null,
postId int(11) not null,
rating int(2) not null,
-- ...
create index userPostRatings_userId on userPostRatings(userId);
create index userPostRatings_postId on userPostRatings(postId);
I'd then use a joined query (whether in a stored procedure, in the code, or in a view) to get the post information, e.g.:
select p.postId, p.title, p.content, avg(r.rating)
from posts p
left outer join userPostRatings r on p.postId = r.postId
where p.postId = ?
group by p.postId;
(That will return NULL
for the average for any posts that don't have any ratings yet.)
Although this is a join, because of the indexes on the userPostRatings
table it's a fairly efficient one.
If you find that the join is killing you (very high concurrency sites do), then you may want to de-normalize a bit in the way Jan suggested, by adding an average rating column to posts
and keeping it updated. You'd just change your query to use it. But I wouldn't start out denormalized, it's more code and arguably premature optimisation. Your database is there to keep track of this information; as soon as you duplicate the information it's tracking, you're introducing maintenance and synchronisation issues. Those may be justified in the end, but I wouldn't start out assuming my DB couldn't help me with this. Making the adjustment (if you plan ahead for it) if the join is a problem in your particular situation isn't a big deal.