I have used the suggestions posted here and come up with the regex that seams to achieve what I want to do:
I used a very fantastic tool for playing with (and interpretting) it. It's called Expresso.
( http://www.ultrapico.com/ )
This is what it says:
// using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
/// <summary>
/// Regular expression built for C# on: Sun, Dec 27, 2009, 03:05:24 PM
/// Using Expresso Version: 3.0.3276, http://www.ultrapico.com
/// A description of the regular expression:
/// [Sentence]: A named capture group. [\S.+?(?<Terminator>[.!?]|\Z)]
/// \S.+?(?<Terminator>[.!?]|\Z)
/// Anything other than whitespace
/// Any character, one or more repetitions, as few as possible
/// [Terminator]: A named capture group. [[.!?]|\Z]
/// Select from 2 alternatives
/// Any character in this class: [.!?]
/// End of string or before new line at end of string
/// Match a suffix but exclude it from the capture. [\s+|\Z]
/// Select from 2 alternatives
/// Whitespace, one or more repetitions
/// End of string or before new line at end of string
/// </summary>
public static Regex regex = new Regex(
| RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace
| RegexOptions.Compiled
// This is the replacement string
public static string regexReplace =
"$& [${Day}-${Month}-${Year}]";
//// Replace the matched text in the InputText using the replacement pattern
// string result = regex.Replace(InputText,regexReplace);
//// Split the InputText wherever the regex matches
// string[] results = regex.Split(InputText);
//// Capture the first Match, if any, in the InputText
// Match m = regex.Match(InputText);
//// Capture all Matches in the InputText
// MatchCollection ms = regex.Matches(InputText);
//// Test to see if there is a match in the InputText
// bool IsMatch = regex.IsMatch(InputText);
//// Get the names of all the named and numbered capture groups
// string[] GroupNames = regex.GetGroupNames();
//// Get the numbers of all the named and numbered capture groups
// int[] GroupNumbers = regex.GetGroupNumbers();
Thanks for everyones help!