There are two ways to achieve something similar, depending on your needs:
The first way involves initialising an instance of your class either in a unit initialization procedure (remembering to Free the instance in the corresponding finalization procedure) or using an accessor unit function to initialise the instance on first access:
metre : TUnit = NIL; // Can initialise a unit variable
metre := TUnit.Create( ... );
NOTE: If your class is simply a container for data as it appears from your question then you might consider omitting the finalization Free'ing - although technicall a memory leak, you won't actually leak anything as the memory used by your instance will be reclaimed when your app process terminates. Free'ing in finalization might cause issues if other finalization code in your project accesses the metre instance after it has been free'd.
I'd also caution you against trying to use any so called "singleton" classes. They add complexity and overhead for zero benefit in such simple cases as this.
function Metre: TUnit;
_metre : TUnit = NIL; // Can initialise a unit variable
function Metre: TUnit;
if NOT Assigned(_metre) then
_metre := TUnit.Create( ... );
result := _metre;
The same observations w.r.t the optionality of finalization apply in this case also.
Note also that if performance is a significant concern and this accessor function is likely to be used a lot then you can take further steps to optimise this area, using a function pointer initialised to a factory function initially, which replaces itself with a pointer to a simple unconditional accessor function upon first access.
The second way to achieve it is to use class functions to return fixed values from a specially derived class, rather than using member data. You don't then need to instantiate the class at all and do not need to worry about disposing of it either. I can't remember off the top of my head if Delphi 2010 now supports class variables as well as class functions - if it does then that may be an answer too. But if you aren't using Delphi 2010 then the question would be moot anyway.
It would look a little something like:
TMetre = class(TUnit)
class function Name: String; override;
class function Scale: Double; override;
I do wonder however... are you aware of the Standard Conversions unit and associated units of measure functionality? I only ask because the content in this question looks like it might be something that is already catered for by an existing aspect of the Delphi RTL.