I use doxygen + graphviz for documenting my code. graphviz does a nice job of generating images.
Is there any way to change the default fontsize for graphviz? The default is 14, but I want to use 12 instead.
Its a real pain to change the fontsize for individual elements like, nodes, subgraphs, edges ... etc.
For reference here is the code I'm using in doxygen, (the text fields have been renamed, of course)
strict digraph {
node [shape = box, fontsize = 12];
subgraph cluster_main {
fontsize = 12;
shape = box;
label = "main";
subgraph cluster_main_common {
fontsize = 12;
shape = box;
label = "common";
subgraph cluster_main_common_source {
fontsize = 12;
shape = box;
label = "source"
subgraph cluster_file1 {
fontsize = 12;
shape = box;
label = "file1.c";
gSystem [label = "var1" URL = "\ref var1"];
subgraph cluster_file2 {
fontsize = 12;
shape = box;
label = "file2.c";
gCard [label = "var2" URL = "\ref var2"];
subgraph cluster_file3 {
fontsize = 12;
shape = box;
label = "file3.c";
gPwrSupply [label = "var3" URL = "\ref var3"];
subgraph cluster_main_docs {
fontsize = 12;
shape = box;
label = "docs";
subgraph cluster_main_docs_features {
fontsize = 12;
shape = box;
label = "features";
subgraph cluster_main_docs_features_source {
fontsize = 12;
shape = box;
label = "source"
subgraph cluster_file4 {
fontsize = 12;
shape = box;
label = "file4.c";
deviceInfo [label = "var4" URL = "\ref var4"];