I have a list of Channels. I need to use an available one of these if there is one and allocate it to a session. If no available ones are left over I need to create a new one and allocate it to the session, and let the calling routines know that it is a new Channel.
I have the following implementation, which seems to work, but I was wondering is there is a better way to do it.
PS. This is in SQL 2000, otherwise I would have tried to use the output clause of an update statement.
create procedure [dbo].[ReserveChannelSession]
@ID int output
,@ApplicationID int
,@ChannelID int output
,@IsNewChannel bit output
begin transaction
set nocount on
set @ChannelID = ( select top 1 [ID] from [dbo].[Channels] with (updlock,holdlock) where [InUse] = 0 )
if @ChannelID is null
exec InsertChannel @ID = @ChannelID output , @InUse = 1 -- create as reserved in use
set @IsNewChannel = 1;
end else begin
update [dbo].[Channels] set [InUse] = 1 where [ID] = @ChannelID
set @IsNewChannel = 0;
set nocount off
if @ChannelID is not null
insert into [dbo].[ChannelSessions] (
) values (
commit transaction