


    var projectWindow;
    function btnNew_Click() {
        var form = document.createElement("form");
        form.setAttribute("target", "projectWindow");
        form.setAttribute("method", "post");
        form.setAttribute("action", "MySite.aspx");


        var hiddenField = document.createElement("input");
        hiddenField.setAttribute("id", "hiddenValue");
        hiddenField.setAttribute("name", "ID");
        hiddenField.setAttribute("value", "/*get value from javascript*/");


        //Below line I added to fix the new input text field that was visible
        document.getElementById("hiddenValue").style.visibility = 'hidden';


        //The below line i added to give focus if another window is created
        // The below code does not work

        //I also tried this:

My problem in the above code that i obtained from the thread:

is that there is an input field that is shown at the client that I cant hide, except for the first time with the line I added (maybe this is about many values return from the method getElementbyId).

The second problem is that I want to set focus in the newly created or reloaded window, currently it is only working with the new window.

+2  A: 

Try adding it to the onload of the new window:

projectWindow.onload = function(){projectWindow.focus()};

Didn't test this code, hope this helps! Oh! and to create a hidden input, do this:

var hiddenField = document.createElement("input");
    hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden");

Also, getElementById should not return many values, just one! If it does return more than one, there is something wrong.

the onload things is not working,how can i add the onload to the newly loaded window instead of the code at the opener page.
Ahmad Hajou
It appears that the problem that i had was related to the firefox security rules. This worked perfectly in Internet Explorer
Ahmad Hajou

To add on Victor's answer. The function btnNew_Click always create a new form element.

You either have to check for it's existence and not recreate or destroy it after submitting it.

Im already checking for the availability of the new window:form.setAttribute("target", "projectWindow");can u tell me how if this is the intended thing, if not please let me know what can i do to set it right.
Ahmad Hajou
I'm refering to the form created by document.createElement, not the window.