



This question here lists some good links to general Android applications (that I'm already looking over) but I'm interested at the moment in specifically games (board-type, intelligent games rather than action - in other words, I don't need real-time).

What are the best sources for applications like that? I want to look over the source code to get myself up to speed quickly.

(Please don't just Google for results, I've already done that and the pickings are a little scarce. I'm interested in anyone who's actually taken time to find and evaluate good sites for this - so ideally, you'd already be an Android developer interested in developing games).


I appreciate the attempt to help, code-zoop but perhaps I didn't make the question clear enough. I'm looking for source code for games. I couldn't find so much as an if statement on that site. In fact, it looks mainly like a PR site where people can write articles to promote their games.
+2  A: 

There are a bunch of games in this list, which come with source:

I think this is the new url:
+4  A: 

Here's a tip from someone who just started with Android games. The sample games that are in the SDK are good, however I've found it FAR easier (and better for learning) to start from scratch with a new Android Project rather than trying to modify an existing one. I ran into many dead ends using the "modify" approach. When I started from scratch I learned far more and got further faster with a blank slate.

Also, since you're not doing action games - don't get caught up in the games like JetBoy that use a thread to run the game loop. Threads certainly have their place, but if you're just learning they muddy the waters greatly.

Possibly good point about the threads but I have no fear of those concepts, I've been threading since Moses was a young lad :-) Having read the Android guidleines about responsiveness I'll probably use threads if only to ensure that dreaded "Close Application?" box doesn't appear. Thanks for the advice about the problems you had modifying instead of creating.
+2  A: 

The code for my android game robotic space rock can be found here:

It is a block game with 3d opengl/es graphics, a highscore table, sound and midi music.

Tasos Kleisas
+1  A: 


we are maintaining a list of fully free software (gpl, apache and so on) applications for android and we have some games too.

Have a look here:

The list is for a project called Replicant that aims to provide a fully free software android os with a fully free software market application (google market is not free libre software).

We will have a repository of fully free software applications too.

If you wish to help us, come to visit our irc channel on called #replicant

Thank you.

+1  A: 

This is great - definitely one of the biggest challenges facing the ROM chef community has been Google's limitations on the Android Marketplace app. Even companies like put the burden of licensing their market app on the product manufacturer.

All of this drives up the price of what could essentially be cheap tablet pcs with Android, as only established brand-name electronics companies are able to meet these rigid guidelines established by Google. And until Android tablets are supported by the current version of Android - currently v2.2 ("Froyo") restricts screen size and resolution among other requirements that are not ideal for an Android tablet that could compete with the iPad.

With cell phones, the wireless carriers add to the pressure to keep handset prices high, as they use steep discounts to lock in 2 year contracts; a business model that limits selection in the consumer market, particularly for the most reliable carriers, and virtually eliminates the ability for any non-affiliated handsets to enter the market. It's also difficult for OEM manufacturers to develop products for mass cell markets because of varying frequencies and bandwidths in each country.

Tablets, on the otherhand, essentially provide non-cellular functionality such as connecting to the internet and playing games - and perhaps provide one of the most exciting opportunities for the open source ROM and app developer communities to make some money on the sale of hardware devices rather than putting their efforts into unlocking (or improving) hardware made by major brands.

These should serve as a good starting point for starting to source out good cheap android developer tablets: (we're reviewing more every day). These expect to release these for sale on October 1st or sooner.

We're reaching out to the ROM chef and app market communities who want to work directly with small OEM manufacturers in China ideally with profit-sharing arrangements that compensate the developers for the Android tablets and phones we source and develop with our manufacturing partners.

Android Gold - Android Tablets