Hi All,
I’m looking for idea’s/solution to the following problem.
Require a stored procedure that accepts a single parameter (array, list, collection, xml, etc…). For each item in the array/list/collection/xml it will execute a query like this:
Select * from <some table> t
Where t.Name = Parameter.Name and t.datetime = Parameter.datetime
The results would all be returned as a single result set.
As an example this procedure would be called with the following details passed in as a parameter value:
Books 09/09/2009 11:23:23
Books 09/09/2009 11:23:23 Authors 04:22:04
Books 09/09/2009 11:23:23 Authors 04:22:04 Catalog 9:45:11
Looking for a variety of ideas to perform some stress/timings on it.