



I have a cache based on

Dictionary<MethodBase, string>

The key is rendered from MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod. Everything worked fine until methods were explicitly declared. But one day it is appeared that:

Method1<T>(string value)

Makes same entry in Dictionary when T gets absolutely different types.

So my question is about better way to cache value for generic methods. (Of course I can provide wrapper that provides GetCache and equality encountered generic types, but this way doesn't look elegant).

Update Here what I exactly want:

static Dictionary<MethodBase, string> cache = new Dictionary<MethodBase, string>();
static void Method1<T>(T g) 
    MethodBase m1 = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod();
    cache[m1] = "m1:" + typeof(T);
public static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.WriteLine("===Here MUST be exactly 2 entry, but only 1 appears==");
    foreach(KeyValuePair<MethodBase, string> kv in cache)
        Console.WriteLine("{0}--{1}", kv.Key, kv.Value);
+1  A: 

This is not possible; a generic method has a single MethodBase; it doesn't have one MethodBase per set of generic arguments.
