



I have two tables tblActionLog and tblLoginLog.

This is tblActionLog:

ID (int)
Happened (DateTime)

This is tblLoginLog:

ID (int)
LoginDate (DateTime)

Now I want to have a GridView with information from both of these tables interleaved in eachother so that their separate date informations are sorted, e.g.:

DATE        |  WHAT     
2009-09-09  | Anderson logged in.
2009-09-08  | Smith made an action.
2009-09-08  | Smith logged in.
2009-09-06  | Anna made an action.
2009-09-04  | Smith made an action.

I hope this makes it clear enough. I want to get all of this information in a single LINQ query (not necessarily one SQL query). Any help appreciated.


You probably want to use Select() and Union() to collate the results.

var query = context.Logins.Where( l => l.UserID == userID )
                          .Select( l => new { Date = l.Date, What = "logged in" } )
                  .Union( context.Actions.Where( a => a.UserID == userID )
                                          .Select( a => new { Date = a.Date, What = a.Action  } ))
                  .OrderBy( r => r.Date );

Note: you may need to materialize each subquery (use ToList() or AsEnumerable()), but I think LINQ2SQL should be able to construct the UNION directly. Also, this is completely untested - typed straight into the answer editor and I didn't check the signature of the Union method so you may need to adjust.

Could you please give me an example using my tables as shown in the question? Thanks.
Deniz Dogan
Which would be better, Union or Concat?
Actually I think the only difference in the translation is whether it does a UNION or UNION ALL. In this case it amounts to the same thing, but Concat might be a little faster if you can tolerate duplicates (or if there are none -- which may be the case here).

Here is another way of doing it....

(from a in dataContext.tblActionLog
 select new
    Date = a.Date,
    What = a.WhatHappened
      (from l in dataContext.tblLoginLog
       select new 
           Date = l.Date,
           What = l.WhatHappened
       }).OrderByDescending(c => c.Date);

Of course, you would substitute the actual name of your DataContext object, and the actual name of the column to show what happened(since that wasn't listed in your table design).
