What's the best way to move a normal SQL server database to SQL Azure? Is it right that you can't restore from a backup file? The only way I've found so far is to script the database (and it's data) and run those scripts on the SQL Azure database but this is slow when you have lots of data.
Use the SQL Azure Migration Wizard if running SQL 2008: http://sqlazuremw.codeplex.com/
For older versions the best thing I've seen is to either first upgrade to 2008 then port, or (unfortunately) to port the data using scripts as you've suggested. If you have to do so, might I suggest SubSonic for generating your scripts?
2009-12-21 14:58:32
FYI - apparently there will be an episode of .NET Rocks coming up pretty soon discussing exactly this topic.
2009-12-21 18:00:44