I have a couple of question's regarding the following project.
*Scott, Recently some developers have teamed-up to offer Oracle support (using Oracle's ODP.NET) for Subsonic 3.x, using the T4 Visual Studio template database provider system. Please search Github.com for Oracle/Subsonic, or my link, http://github.com/mabraham1/LINQ2Oracle
http://subsonicproject.com/docs/File%3AOracleTemplateProviderExample.RAR *
Has this stuff been tested and considered stable? I notice that there is a comment on the subsonic website that states this is a work in progress.
The comments for the ORacle templates also state an Oracle flavored version of SS3 is needed. What does that mean exactly? Coming from 2.2 I just use different connection configurations for both. I have data in both Oracle and sql, which has kept me in version 2.2.
Thanks -Rob