




Hello world!

I'm trying to grab video as the user "www-data" using the command below.

streamer -c /dev/video2 -f jpeg -o /dev/stdout

I have added the user to the group "video" which is the group that owns /dev/video0, /dev/video1 and /dev/video2. The interesting thing here is that it can grab the video from /dev/video0. But fails with the error below on any other input source.

files / video: JPEG (JFIF) / audio: none
no way to get: 320x240 JPEG (JFIF)
movie writer initialisation failed

When running the same command as me (linus) it works and produces the right file.

/dev/video0 is my builtin camera and the other two are Logitech quickcams but it shouldn't matter because it works when running as normal user.

Help appreciated! //Linus Unnebäck