I have the following code to create an inplace editor:
new Ajax.InPlaceEditor('artifact_pretty_display_date_110_in_place_editor', '/artifacts/set_artifact_pretty_display_date/110', {evalScripts:true})
The response looks good to after I change a date:
Element.update("artifact_pretty_display_date_110_in_place_editor", "12/06/2008");
Element.update("artifact_visible_display_date_110", "12/06/2008");
Element.update("flash_message", "<div class=\"flash_message\" style=\"display:block;\">\r\n The Document's date was changed to 12/08/2008. \r\n</div>");
Element.update("flash_error", "<div class=\"flash_error\" style=\"display:none;\">\r\n\r\n \r\n</div>\r\n");
The only issue is my inplace editor field is actually showing this response, it is not getting eval'd. It is like setting evalScripts to true does nothing. Anyone know why this is happening?
Thank you!