This perhaps is a more general jQuery (or even Javascript) question: Basically I am using jquery-in-place-editor plugin for a membership portal that I am building, where this page lists all members from a database table. So you can imagine this page has a number of profiles with typical fields like name, profile, profile image, and email address, what I would love to achieve is that admin will be able to edit each profile (all fields within for a member) within the same page. The problem is: while I can choose which specific element to apply inline edit, I can't come up with a dynamic way to select all elements. I have posted the js code, and if you have need more information, please let me know.
$(document).ready(function () {
url: "./update.php",
field_type: "text",
saving_image: "./images/ajax-loader.gif",
show_buttons: true
<ul class="column">
<div class='block'>
<a href='member.php?memberid=3'>
<a href='delete.php?memberid=1' class='delete'>
<div class='memberImage' id='1'>
<img src=''
<p class='name' id='1'>
<p class='email' id='1'>
[email protected]
<p class='profile' id='1'>
this is whatever
<div class='block'>
<a href='member.php?memberid=2'>
<a href='delete.php?memberid=2' class='delete'>
<div class='memberImage' id='2'>
<img src=''
<p class='name' id='2'>
<p class='email' id='2'>
[email protected]
<p class='profile' id='2'>
This is abc
So my update.php works as its name, updates the table per for that id.
As you can see, the problem here is $(".name")
selects all clas="name" (which in this case has more than one element), I know I can loop through all these elements and make the method call,but that seems too ugly for me. Any suggestion how I can achieve this? Thanks!