I am trying to customize a photo gallery in Squarespace. A test gallery can be found here - http://dzrtgrls.squarespace.com/gallery/test-2/4011897 . What I would like is to have the next or previous images load so that the prev - / + next navigation is at the top of the browser window. So it seems I need to somehow append each url with #content so the content div is at the top of the window whenever the previous or next links are used. Is there a way to do this with javascript or jquery?
Do you mean you want to make the content div scroll so that it's at the top of the page? You can do that with scrollIntoView:
2009-12-22 04:20:16
Yes, I think this is it, Annie. Thanks for your help! I'll see if the Squarespacers can help me implement this.
2009-12-22 04:55:53
Annie - well done understanding the question. All the best, Niki.
2009-12-22 05:00:07