I managed to get Ajax working in Rails, specifically using remote_form_for tag to add Todos from Index. However when I do add them, there is a bullet mark next to them.
Here's my post/index
<% form_remote_tag( :url =>
todos_path, :method => :create,
:update => "todo_list", :position =>
:top, :html => {:id => 'todo_form'})
do %>
<label for="todo_title">Todo</label>
<%= text_field( "todo", "title") %>
<button type="submit">Add
Todo</button> <% end %> </div> <div
id="todo_list"></div> <br />
And my partial _todo
<li id="todo_"><%= link_to todo.title, :action => 'show'%></li>
When I click Add, it adds a new todo with a bullet mark next to it.
Any help?