



In a language were both are available, would you prefer to see an instance constructor or a static method that returns an instance? For example, if you're creating a string from a char[]:

  1. String.FromCharacters(chars)
  2. new String(chars)
+1  A: 

Static Method. Then you can return a null, rather than throwing an exception (unless a reference type)

Darren Kopp
+1  A: 

I prefer instance constructor, just because that makes more sense to me, and there's less potential ambiguity with what you're trying to express (ie: what if FromCharacters is a method which takes a single character). Certainly subjective, though.

+8  A: 

In Effective Java, 2nd edition, Joshua Bloch certainly recommends the former. There are a few reasons I can remember, and doubtless some I can't:

  • You can give the method a meaningful name. If you've got two ways of constructing an instance both of which take an int, but have different meanings for that int, using a normal method makes the calling code much more readable.
  • A corollary of the first - you can have different factory methods with the same parameter list
  • You can return null for "potentially expected failure" cases whereas a constructor will always either return a value or throw an exception
  • You can return a type other than the declared (e.g. return a derived class)
  • You can use it as a factory, to potentially return a reference to the same object several times

The downsides:

  • It's not as idiomatic, currently - developers are more used to seeing "new"
  • If you see "new" you know you're getting a new instance (modulo the oddity I mentioned recently)
  • You need to make appropriate constructors available for subclasses
  • In C# 3, constructor calls are able to set fields/properties in a compact manner with object initializer expressions; the feature doesn't apply to static method calls
Jon Skeet
+1  A: 

I personally prefer to see a normal constructor, since contructors should be used to construct. However, if there is a good reason to not use one, ie if FromCharacters explicitly stated that it didn't allocate new memory, it would be worthwhile. The "new" in the invocation has meaning.

+2  A: 

There's a paper from ICSE'07 that studied the usability of constructors vs. factory patterns. While I prefer factory patterns, the study showed that developers were slower in finding the correct factory method.

That's a good answer, unfortunately. I'm willing to do allocation without the "new" keyword, but discoverability is pretty important. I'd hate for someone to do their own processing to create a theoretical String object because they didn't see a constructor.
Dan Goldstein
I agree, the problem of how to ensure people discover a static is an important one. The second author of that paper is currently building some tool for that as part of his PhD work, it'll be interesting to see where this ends up.
+1  A: 

If your object is immutable, you may be able to use the static method to return cached objects and save yourself the memory allocation and processing.

Dan Goldstein
+5  A: 

I write a constructor when creating the instance has no side effects, i.e. when the only thing the constructor is doing is initializing properties. I write a static method (and make the constructor private) if creating the instance does something that you wouldn't ordinarily expect a constructor to do.

For example:

public class Foo
   private Foo() { }

   private static List<Foo> FooList = new List<Foo>();
   public static Foo CreateFoo()
      Foo f = new Foo();
      return f;

Because I adhere to this convention, if I see

Foo f = Foo.CreateFoo();
Bar b = new Bar();

while reading my code, I have a very different set of expectations about what each of those two lines is doing. That code isn't telling me what it is that makes creating a Foo different from creating a Bar, but it's telling me that I need to look.

Robert Rossney
Good point about the abnormal processing. Personally, I don't like the idea of using a static method in place of a default constructor. It's repetitive and goes against the flow of the language. I'd prefer to refactor the abnormal processing and use the new keyword, if possible.
Dan Goldstein
+1  A: 

It depends. For languages in which using an instance constructor is "normal", I would generally use one unless I had good reason not to. This follows the principle of least surprise.

By the way, you forgot another common case: A null/default constructor paired with an initialization method.

Yes, I didn't think of that case. I think it's inferior to the two presented because it needs to lines of code. I could edit the question to include it though.
Dan Goldstein

As Jon Skeet paraphrased Josh Bloch, there are a number of reasons why a static factory method is preferable to a constructor in many cases. I would say that if the class is a simple one with no expensive setup or complicated usage, stay with the idiomatic constructor. Modern JVMs make object creation extremely fast and cheap. If the class might be subclassed or you are able to make it immutable (a big advantage for concurrent programming, which is only going to get more important), then go with the factory method.

One more tip. Don't name the factory method* or Foo.create*. A method with these names should always return a new instance, and doing so misses one of the big advantages of the factory method. A better naming convention is Foo.of* or Foo.for*. The new Google Collections Library does a great job of this, imho.

Dov Wasserman