I have a program written in VB.NET which stops a service that uses file x, modifies x, and restarts the service.
I have modified my code for testing so that it just reads in the file as a string and immediately writes it back out.
Shell("net stop " & SERVICE_NAME, , True)
Dim myReader As System.IO.StreamReader
myReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader(x)
fileString = myReader.ReadToEnd()
Dim tempFile As System.IO.StreamWriter
tempFile = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter(x, False)
Shell("net start " & SERVICE_NAME, , True)
The stopping of the service is no problem, and modifying the file is no problem, but when the service starts it stops immediately because, as best I can guess, the file is in use. Even when I try to start the service manually, it stops immediately. However, I found that I can open file x, click save without modifying anything, close the file, and start the service and everything works correctly.
If I comment out the writing part, everything works fine.
Also, the file I'm modifying has a .conf file extension. I don't know if this is relevant.
Any suggestions on what could be causing this behavior?