




There's a simple way to read the registry and get the UAC status from there. The only problem is that if you are not an administrator user or the UAC is ON then you can't read that particular key.

Is there a way (API, etc) to get the UAC status accurately without having to read the registry?

Sample code is always appreciated. Thanks!


EDIT: I'm starting a bounty. PLEASE PLEASE if you are going to answer do not tell me how I shouldn't care about the UAC status and that the code should be independent of the UAC and how microsoft is so goody goody.

+3  A: 

From the internets:

HANDLE tokenHandle; 
OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &tokenHandle); 

DWORD tokenInformationBufferLength = 0; 
GetTokenInformation(tokenHandle, TokenElevationType, &tokenElevation, sizeof(tokenElevation), &tokenInformationBufferLength);
This is when I get confused. Elevated means that UAC is on? that I am an admin? How do you use this code to get a "yes, UAC is on" or "Nop, it's not ON". Thanks!
I'm going to assume that limited means youdon't have administrator access and fulleans you do. Besides, whethe UAC is on or not isn't really a question you care about. You care whether it affects code you will run or not. But based on your question, limited means on.
Actually limited means that you're running with a split token which does mean that UAC is enabled but that's not the only return value you care about. You can also be running on a standard user account in which case you'll get TokenElevationTypeDefault (and your application will fail to run because it requires admin access). If you manifest your application such that it's tagged as requiring elevation all of this is moot because the OS will ensure that your application always runs with administrator rights
Larry Osterman
I would listen to Mr. Osterman. He has wayyy more experience with this than most of us. And his blog is an awesome reference.
oh, now I see why Mr. Osterman cares so much about microsoft. In any case, the whole split token is very very unnecessary here. I just want to know whether it's ON or OFF. Please spare me the UAC babble. As far as I'm concerned the UAC is more an annoyance than something good. That, of course, it's only my opinion.
I keep on getting TOKEN_ELEVATION_TYPE' : undeclared identifier even when I add windows.h or winnt.h is there a flag I need to set?
Well, it's impossible to compile, even after manually setting directories, the sdk, the ddk and a hell of DLL and libs. Thanks for the answer but i can't even try it
Are you setting the version macros correctly before you include the SDK headers? If not, that could cause the undefined identifier errors you're seeing. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa383745(VS.85).aspx
Adrian McCarthy
I believe I did. In any case by adding these headers I am braking something else since some of code behaves differently now. The program need to run on XP and vista. Thanks for the comment

Not quite where you're looking, I suppose... but if the registry read returns an access failure on the key, that is actually the answer you're looking for -- UAC is enabled.

thanks but I don't want to read (or try to read) the registry
+1  A: 

What I did to solve this problem, was if I had admin rights according to the API call I read the registry value (UAC provides false to admin rights check) and if I did not have admin rights I tried to make a new key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software. If that succeeded, UAC was on and I removed the key.

thank you. But I don't want to read or write the registry. I just want to know whether the UAC is ON or not, regardless of the user.
Any particular reason why you don't want to read the registry? That seems an arbitrary condition to impose.
because if I am a plain user I don't have access to that particular part of the registry so I don;t know whether the UAC is ON or not. Which is the original problem
+1  A: 

It looks like you're trying to make the code compatible with both "non-elevated" and "elevated" operating modes. UAC being active or not has nothing to do with the current abilities of your process. Even if UAC is disabled a regular user account cannot have administrative privileges. Since that's the case I think you should be checking if your process is elevated or non-elevated and behave accordingly, rather than checking if UAC is enabled or not.

And that is much easier to answer, in fact was already answered in this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/95912/how-can-i-detect-if-my-process-is-running-uac-elevated-or-not

thanks but as I stated before the whole elevated or not doesn't make any sense on my program. Why is it to hard to answer question. I need to know whether the UAC is On or not. I don't case about the user being an admin or not. I should be able to know whether the UAC is on regardless. thanks again
What you said contradicts with yourself: "Because is an old piece of code that needs administrative rights to run and my manager doesn't want us to change the whole code since we are not actively supporting this program anymore, so the quick fix is to get the UAC status and act accordingly.".
UAC is *always* working. What "disabled" actually means is that processes started by you *can* be elevated and UAC will not protest which is exactly the thing ssg is saying and what you are caring about. So ssg has given you the right answer together with code.Explanation: I have the impression that you think UAC like a door which is there or not there. But UAC is like a guard which is alwaysthere. If he lets you pass, you have no information at all if he is ignorant or because you are an admin or whatever. You simply don't care, the important thing is you are *in*.
Thorsten S.
OK, i'll roll with it. WHat would happen when the elevation type is: TokenElevationTypeDefault? That means that either UAC is disabled, or the process is started by a standard user. Which one is it? IS the UAC ON or not... see my problem?
See post added from me
Thorsten S.
Thorsten's answer seems to have wrapped it up.

First off, you don't really want to seek out a way to "get around" the security features of the operating system. Even if you do find a solution that works right now, Microsoft can (and does) change these kinds of features with Windows Update and will break your app in the future. Fighting the security features is an uphill battle and it will be a continuous headache for you. While I would love to hear more of your questions on StackOverflow :) it is most likely not the path you want to go down.

That said, I think you are going about the issue wrong. If your manager doesn't want you to fix the problem, then your manager has accepted the problem. Just mark the whole application as "must run in administrator mode" and be done with it. The users will get a single warning at application start and then the app will run for them. Here's a link to show you how to set this option.

Of course, if you're users don't have admin rights to their own machine you are basically out of luck.

Mark Ewer
+3  A: 

Ok, building the answer on what ssg/comments already said:


This checks both elevation and UAC status. First as


already mentions, it will test the ElevationStatus. After that, it tries to start a subprocess with elevated status which will fail if standard user is logged in, determining the UAC status.

And no, it does not use the registry.

Thorsten S.
ok thanks. i'd like to accept this as an answer even thought I don't think it'll work. Franky I don't care whether it's a normal user or an admin. I was just looking for a UAC on or not. that's all. I don't understand the whole elevated or not, it just doesn't make sense to me. but thanks for the answer anyway.