I would like to use SMO to generate a set of insert statements to copy data between environments. I have this working, but for some reason, datetime fields are formated as hex values that are casted to datetime. This makes the scripts hard to read and impossible to update. Is there a way for me to change this to use a string representation of the date?
Code used to generate:
scripter = New Scripter(<server>)
scripter.Options.ScriptData = True
For Each s As String In scripter.EnumScript(list)
I would like to change this...
INSERT [dbo].[dmMessages] ([MessageId], [MessageCd], [MessageDesc], [Status], [EnteredBy], [EnteredDt])
VALUES (1, N'GenericMessages.FieldRequired', N'The {0} field is required.', 1, N'System', CAST(0x00009B4900000000 AS DateTime))
INSERT [dbo].[dmMessages] ([MessageId], [MessageCd], [MessageDesc], [Status], [EnteredBy], [EnteredDt])
VALUES (1, N'GenericMessages.FieldRequired', N'The {0} field is required.', 1, N'System', '2009-1-1 13:00:00:000')