I'm using a SynchronizationContext to marshal events back to the UI thread from my DLL that does a lot of multi-threaded background tasks.
I know the singleton pattern isn't a favorite, but I'm using it for now to store a reference of the UI's SynchronizationContext when you create foo's parent object.
public class Foo
public event EventHandler FooDoDoneEvent;
public void DoFoo()
private void OnFooDoDone()
if (FooDoDoneEvent != null)
if (TheUISync.Instance.UISync != SynchronizationContext.Current)
TheUISync.Instance.UISync.Post(delegate { OnFooDoDone(); }, null);
FooDoDoneEvent(this, new EventArgs());
This didn't work at all in WPF, the TheUISync instances UI sync (which is feed from the main window) never matches the current SynchronizationContext.Current. In windows form when I do the same thing they will match after an invoke and we'll get back to the correct thread.
My fix, which i hate, looks like
public class Foo
public event EventHandler FooDoDoneEvent;
public void DoFoo()
private void OnFooDoDone(bool invoked)
if (FooDoDoneEvent != null)
if ((TheUISync.Instance.UISync != SynchronizationContext.Current) && (!invoked))
TheUISync.Instance.UISync.Post(delegate { OnFooDoDone(true); }, null);
FooDoDoneEvent(this, new EventArgs());
So I hope this sample makes enough sense to follow.