



I am having an aspx page where i have added one text box control with ID and RUNAT attribute. But In codehehind i am not seeing this control's name in the intellisense. My page directive in aspx is as follows

 <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="MyProject_UI._Default" %>

I Am using VS 2008 . Any Idea how to get rid of this ? Appreciate your support

+3  A: 

I have seen this on occasion when I edit a page. When it happens to me, I close the files and open them again and it seems to fix itself.

Gabriel McAdams
+3  A: 

Try using CodeFile instead of CodeBehind. The latter is a hold-over from .NET 1.1.

Also, make sure the namespaces match up between the markup and the code. Do a test compile to be sure.

+1 I didn't know about CodeFile, Thanks :)
Mahesh Velaga