



What does ExcecutionContext.SuppressFlow(); does?? In the following code what exactly gets suppressed??

I've this test code...

protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   Thread[] th = new Thread[100];
   Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-GB");

   AsyncFlowControl cntrl = ExecutionContext.SuppressFlow();
   for (int i = 0; i < th.Length; i++)
      th[i] = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(ThreadMethod));
      th[i].Name = "Thread #" + (i+1).ToString();                

   foreach (Thread t in th)            

String response = null;
Random rnd = new Random(1000);
private void ThreadMethod(object param)
   if (param != null)
      string temp = param as string;
      if (temp != null)
         //To test what is the current culture I get for this thread execution
         System.Globalization.CultureInfo info = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
         for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
            response += Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString() + ":" +
                             Thread.CurrentThread.Name + ": " + temp + "<br/>";
+1  A: 

ExcecutionContext.*SuppressFlow* suppresses the flow of the execution context across asynchronous threads.

The ExecutionContext, are implicitly passed from parent thread to the child one, provides information relevant to a logical thread of execution: security context, call context and synchronization context. If that information is not imperative, the omission of the execution context optimize a little the performance of a multithreading application.

ExecutionContext.*RestoreFlow* restores the passage of the execution context between threads.


Q: In the following code what exactly gets suppressed??

A: Exactly are suppressed the passage of the following information: security context, call context and synchronization context; between the newly created threads. Why that was do? -To optimize the creation and work of th.Length created threads: less supplementary information passed between threads - quicker this threads interact between them.

Well my Q's was not exactly this... This is a kind of technical jargon we got to read in each article. I've presented some code above and with respect to that I wanted to be enlighted what exactly got suppressed in above code..
S M Kamran
@S M Karman: see my edit.

Not the answer to your question, but since you're looking at this code and try to understand it right now, please check if you want to adapt/change your code according to the documentation (i.e. "fix it"):


You must use the Undo method on the returned AsyncFlowControl structure to restore the flow of the ExecutionContext.


RestoreFlow reverses the effect of a prior SuppressFlow method call.

This method is called by the Undo method of the AsyncFlowControl structure returned by the SuppressFlow method. You should use the Undo method to restore the flow of the execution context, not the RestoreFlow method.

Emphasis mine.

Benjamin Podszun
**@Benjamin Podszun:** ExecutionContext.RestoreFlow; is also valid. Though Undo is preferred..
S M Kamran
+3  A: 

The details of ExecutionContext are very obscure, buried deep inside features like .NET Remoting and WCF. What is part of it is:

  • HostExecutionContext
  • IllogicalCallContext, a repository of thread specific data used by Remoting
  • LogicalContext, as above
  • SecurityContext
  • SynchronizationContext

CultureInfo is not part of it, which can be a considerable problem if you change your main thread's default culture. There is no good way to ensure other threads run with that culture unless you explicitly write the code to switch them. That's not always practical, given that .NET is apt to run async callbacks on threadpool threads. They will be initialized to the system default culture.

Hans Passant
It's written in App Development Foundation book that, "By default, the execution context flows to helper threads, but it does so at a cost. If you want to stop the flow of context information (increasing performance but losing the current security, CULTURE, and transaction context information), you can use the ExecutionContext class.", **@nobugz:** Could you kindly explain this??
S M Kamran
*Culture* means such information as the current thread language, currency or number representation, etc.
**@serhio:** Yes and this is contain in CultureInfo so this means if we suppress and change the culture it'll not get forwarded to threads being created in this scope?? and if we don't suppress it'll pass through the helper threads?? In the above code, however, whether I suppress or not, the threads culture is alwasy en-US, which is machine default.
S M Kamran
The book is wrong, as you found out. "Cost" is nonsense too, burn the book.
Hans Passant
@kamran... I got a look on the internal structure of the ExecutionContext, there really no indication of presence of a culture inforamtion. But... What is your problem? **Culture**, which is indicated by the Thread.CurrentCulture property, corresponds by default to the selection in Regional Options in the control panel. This affects how numbers, dates, and times are formatted. **UICulture**, indicated by the Thread.CurrentUICulture property, corresponds by default to the language of the OS, or the selected language on a multi-language Windows.
@serhio: dosen't this corresponds to the creating (main) thread culture. By default the helper threads takes the culture of the creating thread. In the code above before creating the helper threads I changed the culture of the main thread to en:GB and the helper still gets en-US even if I don't suppress.
S M Kamran
so, look, may be I'm missing out some thing here. For which I wanted an explanation.
S M Kamran
Erm, you got one. CultureInfo is not part of ExecutionContext. What is still unclear?
Hans Passant