



In IE when I insert text into a <pre> tag the newlines are ignored:

<pre id="putItHere"></pre>

function putText() {
   document.getElementById("putItHere").innerHTML = "first line\nsecond line";

Using \r\n instead of a plain \n does not work.

<br/> does work but inserts an extra blank line in FF, which is not acceptable for my purposes.

+4  A: 

<br/> shoud only output one line in all browsers. Of course remove the \n as well, code should be:

document.getElementById("putItHere").innerHTML = "first line<br/>second line";
+8  A: 

These bug report and comments about innerHTML behaviour of Internet Explorer could help:

"IE applies HTML normalization to the data that is assigned to the innerHTML property. This causes incorrect display of whitespace in elements that ought to preserve formatting, such as <pre> and <textarea>."

+1  A: 

Does this work in IE?

    .appendChild(document.createTextNode("first line\nsecond line"));

I tested it with Firefox and it works. :-)

Chris Jester-Young

GavinCattell's answer is correct. Try it out.

David Robbins
+1  A: 

Content inside the <pre> tag should not be considered HTML.

In fact, the point of <pre> tag is so that it does display formatted text.

Using the innerText property is the correct way to modify the content of a <pre> tag.

document.getElementById("putItHere").innerText = "first line\nsecond line";
Samuel Kim
True, this would work fine in IE, but note that innerText is not available in Firefox - DOM manipulation methods would likely be a more robust solution in this case, such as Chris Jester-Young's answer using appendChild and document.createTextNode.
J c

I reckon this.

What I found was IE is using \r\n and Fx(others) is using \n

var newline;
if ( document.all ) newline = '\r\n';
else newline = '\n';

var data = 'firstline' + newline + 'second line';

For a TinyMCE(wysiwyg editor) plugin I once made I ended up with using BR i edit mode and cleaned it up on submit etc.

This code loops through all BR elements inside PRE elements and replaces BR with newlines.

Note that the code relies on the TinyMCE API, but can easily be written using standard Javascript.

Clean up:

        var br ='pre br');
        for (var i = 0; i < br.length; i++) {
          var nlChar;
          if (tinymce.isIE)
            nlChar = '\r\n';
            nlChar = '\n';

          var nl = ed.getDoc().createTextNode(nlChar);
          ed.dom.insertAfter(nl, br[i]);

Good luck!

+1  A: 

The workaround can be found in the page linked to in the accepted answer. For ease of use here it is:

if (elem.tagName == "PRE" && "outerHTML" in elem)
    elem.outerHTML = "<PRE>" + str + "</PRE>";
    elem.innerHTML = str;
Edward Wilde
if (typeof div2.innerText == 'undefined')
 div2.innerHTML = value;
 div2.innerText = value;

that worked for me.


I've found that innerHTML is processed before it is applied to the element, hence <br> becomes a newline and multiple white spaces are removed.

To preserve the raw text you must use nodeValue, e.g. docuument.getElementById('pre_id').firstChild.nodeVlaue=' white space \r\n ad new line';


If you don't want to use outerHTML, you can also do the following for IE, if an additional pre tag is not an issue:

     document.getElementById("putItHere").innerHTML = "<pre>" + content+"</pre>";
     document.getElementById("putItHere").innerHTML = content;
Vivek Jani