I reckon this.
What I found was IE is using \r\n and Fx(others) is using \n
var newline;
if ( document.all ) newline = '\r\n';
else newline = '\n';
var data = 'firstline' + newline + 'second line';
For a TinyMCE(wysiwyg editor) plugin I once made I ended up with using BR i edit mode
and cleaned it up on submit etc.
This code loops through all BR elements inside PRE elements and replaces BR with newlines.
Note that the code relies on the TinyMCE API, but can easily be written using standard Javascript.
Clean up:
var br = ed.dom.select('pre br');
for (var i = 0; i < br.length; i++) {
var nlChar;
if (tinymce.isIE)
nlChar = '\r\n';
nlChar = '\n';
var nl = ed.getDoc().createTextNode(nlChar);
ed.dom.insertAfter(nl, br[i]);
Good luck!