I just spend the good part of the afternoon trying to find out why some projects, when compiled and run from within the Delphi-2010 IDE produced a 'Security Risk - A program is behaving suspiciously on your computer' warning every time I compiled it.
In the end it turned out to be the following: - if version information is turned on 'Include version info in your project' - and you are including one of the Developer Express units (f.i. cxControls) than Norton Internet Security's sonor technology is flagging the program as suspicious (which, on my pc, results in a 45 seconds wait and prompt). Running the program from outside the IDE, works fine.
I will flag this to support of Developer Express too, of course, but I thought about explaining this problem on this community site also.
I would obliged if anyone, having the same configuration, could verify this to be true of course, since I have only my own pc to test this on (my laptop still runs Norton Internet Security 2009).
Delphi 7 does not have the same problem (or I would have found this out much, much sooner).
I used the following code of the main form as test:
unit frm;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
ActnList, cxControls ;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
As far as I know, I did not change any settings of Norton Internet Security 2010 after installation.
I installed the latest updates of Delphi-2010.
Dev.Express suite v 47 is installed.
UPDATE: The problem is not restricted to the use of the DevExpress units. I have the same problem when compiling the EC_Edit project in the Main folder of the demos of the SyntEdit component. As far as I can determine (after trying and pinpointing for 4 days!) is that it has something to do with the classes unit (or one of the units used by classes) of the Delphi 2010 version.