



I am writing a compiler in F# and I want to be able to access the unmanaged metadata COM interfaces in the .net runtime. Before anybody mentions it, Reflection.Emit is not suitable for my purposes, nor do I want to use any other method than the metadata COM interfaces.

I've imported mscoree.tlb but it doesn't seem to include the interfaces I need.

The interfaces I'm interested in include IMetaDataEmit. Any sample code relating to this would be very useful, though I've not been able to find any so far.

C# samples would be fine as I can easily convert them to F#.

Thanks in advance to anybody who can help me with this rather cryptic query!

Update: I have now got this sorted by writing explicit COM references using the interface GUIDs!

+1  A: 

One option here would be to create your own project and compile these interfaces (using their definitions from cor.h) into a type library, which you could then tlbimp into a managed assembly. I realize it would be pretty tedious to convert the C header code into IDL, but that could possibly be automated (or partially automated) by some text-processing scripts.

Thank you very much for your reply :-) However I have managed to sort this now using manual COM interfaces based on the GUIDs referenced in cor.h which turned out to be the best approach I think anyway!
+1  A: 

I hope you found the mdbg sample which includes source code for wrapping exactly the interfaces you need.

Steve Steiner
Oh my good God I'm excited! Let's see if you're right...