



Using block tea (XXTEA), how can I convert encrypted text into human readable form?

string encryptedText = "ASDFSDAFSADFSDFSDFSDAF"; (assume it is in correct format)

I have the key/pwd also.

+1  A: 

There is a Visual Basic implementation of the block tea algorithm here:

Block tea is meant to be easily implementable, so you shouldn't have a hard time converting that to C# (or compiling it into a .NET assembly with VB and then referencing it from .NET).

You should use the above as a base and then modify it as per the XXTEA algorithm, found here:

Again, it's meant as being easy to implement, so you shouldn't be too hard. If there are specific parts you are having issues with, please make sure to follow up.

+1  A: 

Edit1: Core XTEA algorithm in C# with other parts in VB.NET at CodeProject

Tiny Encryption Algorithm and XTEA for the Compact Framework at CodeProject

Here is a JavaScript Implementation of the XXTEA algorithm and here.

Here is a Pascal implementation of all of them.

With all the other answers you should be able to put an implementation together. Once you do it, make a blog or report back here so it is recorded for the next guy!
