Hi Gang, I'm registering some components related to Linq2Sql using PerWebRequest lifestyle. I see them get created, but they get destroyed before my global's Application_EndRequest method gets called. Is that by design? Does anyone know a work around? I want to call commit on my UnitOfWork object to submitchanges() at the end of every request. In addition to using the Global.asax Application_EndResult, I've also tried an IHttpModule with the same results.
I'm using Castle 2.0.
Here's how I'm registering my stuff with PerWebRequest. I am creating a DataCOntextProvider object that holds onto a L2S DataContext. That object is injected into the UoW.
/// <summary>
/// Register the IUnitOfWorkManager to resolve to LinqToSqlUnitOfWorkManager per web request
/// </summary>
public void RegisterLinq2SqlUnitOfWorkPerWebRequest()
/// <summary>
/// Register the IDataContextProvider to resolve to DataContextProvider per web request
/// </summary>
public void RegisterDataContextProviderPerWebRequest()
Now I am simply trying to pull the UoW from the container via the CommonServiceLocator (both CSL and Windsor Adapter are 1.0) from the EndRequest like this:
protected void Application_EndRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
//ignore unless this is a page (.aspx) or handler (.ashx)
if (!RequestCanHaveContext())
//get the IUnitOfWork manager
var uow = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IUnitOfWorkManager>();
//if we have one, commit changes at the end of the request
if (uow != null)
//don't explicitly dispose of uow or we'll get Disposed exceptions on the context
Thanks, Corey