



Hi Gang, I'm registering some components related to Linq2Sql using PerWebRequest lifestyle. I see them get created, but they get destroyed before my global's Application_EndRequest method gets called. Is that by design? Does anyone know a work around? I want to call commit on my UnitOfWork object to submitchanges() at the end of every request. In addition to using the Global.asax Application_EndResult, I've also tried an IHttpModule with the same results.

I'm using Castle 2.0.

Here's how I'm registering my stuff with PerWebRequest. I am creating a DataCOntextProvider object that holds onto a L2S DataContext. That object is injected into the UoW.

/// <summary>
        /// Register the IUnitOfWorkManager to resolve to LinqToSqlUnitOfWorkManager per web request
        /// </summary>
        public void RegisterLinq2SqlUnitOfWorkPerWebRequest()

    /// <summary>
    /// Register the IDataContextProvider to resolve to DataContextProvider per web request
    /// </summary>
    public void RegisterDataContextProviderPerWebRequest()

Now I am simply trying to pull the UoW from the container via the CommonServiceLocator (both CSL and Windsor Adapter are 1.0) from the EndRequest like this:

 protected void Application_EndRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //ignore unless this is a page (.aspx) or handler (.ashx)
        if (!RequestCanHaveContext())

        //get the IUnitOfWork manager
        var uow = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IUnitOfWorkManager>();

        //if we have one, commit changes at the end of the request
        if (uow != null)
            //don't explicitly dispose of uow or we'll get Disposed exceptions on the context


Thanks, Corey


Try moving your Application_EndRequest code to a httpmodule and register it before the PerWebRequestLifestyleModule.

Mauricio Scheffer
I did do that. I am ending up with very wierd behavior - things getting created/destroyed without firing the Micro Kernel's Destroyed event. I don't know if it ASP.NET that is causing me pain.
Corey Coogan
did you verify that the endrequest handler of your module runs before component destruction? Also, where/how are you handling the kernel's destroyed event?
Mauricio Scheffer

your implementation of IUnitOfWorkManager should implement IDisposable and in Dispose call SubmitChanges. Alternatively use custom decommission submit changes concern.

Krzysztof Koźmic