It's not obvious, but there's some important information missing in the problem you're trying to solve. It becomes more noticeable when you think about realistic data going into this table. The problem is that you're unlikely to to have a consistent regular daily record of users' weights. So you need to clarify a couple of rules around determining 'current-weight' and 'weight x days ago'. I'm going to assume the following simplistic rules:
- The most recent weight reading is the 'current-weight'. (Even though that could be months ago.)
- The most recent weight reading more than x days ago will be the weight assumed at x days ago. (Even though for example a reading from 6 days ago would be more reliable than a reading from 21 days ago when determining weight 7 days ago.)
Now to answer the questions:
1&2: Using the above extra rules provides an opportunity to produce two result sets: current weights, and previous weights:
Current weights:
select rd.*,
from (
select User_id,
max(Created_at) AS Read_date
from Foodbar
group by User_id
) rd
inner join Foodbar w on
w.User_id = rd.User_id
and w.Created_at = rd.Read_date
Similarly for the x days ago reading:
select rd.*,
from (
select User_id,
max(Created_at) AS Read_date
from Foodbar
where Created_at < DATEADD(dd, -7, GETDATE()) /*Or appropriate MySql equivalent*/
group by User_id
) rd
inner join Foodbar w on
w.User_id = rd.User_id
and w.Created_at = rd.Read_date
Now simply join these results as subqueries
select cur.User_id,
cur.Weight as Cur_weight,
prev.Weight as Prev_weight
cur.Weight - prev.Weight as Weight_change
from (
/*Insert query #1 here*/
) cur
inner join (
/*Insert query #2 here*/
) prev on
prev.User_id = cur.User_id
If I remember correctly the MySql syntax to get the top N weight gains would be to simply add:
ORDER BY cur.Weight - prev.Weight DESC limit N
2&3: Choosing indexes requires a little understanding of how the query optimiser will process the query:
The important thing when it comes to index selection is what columns you are filtering by or joining on. The optimiser will use the index if it is determined to be selective enough (note that sometimes your filters have to be extremely selective returning < 1% of data to be considered useful). There's always a trade of between slow disk seek times of navigating indexes and simply processing all the data in memory.
3: Although weights feature significantly in what you display, the only relevance is in terms of filtering (or selection) is in #2 to get the top N weight gains. This is a complex calculation based on a number of queries and a lot of processing that has gone before; so Weight will provide zero benefit as an index.
Another note is that even for #2 you have to calculate the weight change of all users in order to determine the which have gained the most. Therefore unless you have a very large number of readings per user you will read most of the table. (I.e. a table scan will be used to obtain the bulk of the data)
Where indexes can benefit:
- You are trying to identify specific Foodbar rows based on User_id and Created_at.
- You are also joining back to the Foodbar table again using User_id and Created_at.
This implies an index on User_id, Created__at would be useful (more-so if this is the clustered index).
4: No, unfortunately it is mathematically impossible to determine how the individual values H and W would independently determine the ordering of the product. E.g. both H=3 & W=3 are less than 5, yet if H=5 and W=1 then the product 3*3 is greater than 5*1.
You would have to actually store the calculation an index on that additional column. However, as indicated in my answer to #3 above, it is still unlikely to prove beneficial.