The window.setTimeout (and related setInterval) function in Javascript allows you to schedule a function to be executed sometime in the future:
id = setTimeout(function, delay);
where "delay" is the number of milliseconds into the future at which you want to have the function called. Before this time elapses, you can cancel the timer using:
What I want is to update the timer. I want to be able to advance or retard a timer so that the function gets called x milliseconds sooner or later than originally scheduled.
If there were a getTimeout method, you could do something like:
originally_scheduled_time = getTimeout(id);
updateTimeout(id, originally_schedule_time + new_delay); // change the time
but as far as I can tell there's nothing like getTimeout or any way to update an existing timer.
Is there a way to access the list of scheduled alarms and modify them?
Is there a better approach?