Are there any .NET apllication servers (like JEE ones - JBoss, WebSphere and alike) ?
Currently, IIS with its Integrated Pipeline and the .NET Framework is the closest we get.
Going forward, this is the role intended for Windows Server AppFabric.
Mark Seemann
2009-12-24 08:38:42
There is no clear concept of Application Server
in .NET, since the .NET framework is quite integrated in the OS. In web applications, the role of Application Server
would be split into IIS and Windows itself. To summarize: .NET Framework is so rich that it already provides many of the functionality applications may need.
Darin Dimitrov
2009-12-24 08:39:37
Most precise answer. +1.
this. __curious_geek
2009-12-24 08:41:19