Borland Starteam: How to re -check-in a file from a frozen labeled configuration to current configuration with history?
2You should be able to go to that frozen labeled configuration (View->Select Configuration->Labeled Configuration) and pick that label. Then what you are seeing should be files as of that label. You could then checkout the file you wanted from that label.
Then go back to the current configuration (View->Select Configuration->Current Configuration) and check-in your file (you will have to do a Forced Check-In since it will show as Out of Date status). In the check-in comments you may want to mention that you pulled that file forwards from that label.
You will not lose any of the history between the label and your check-in.
If the file does not exist in the current configuration, you can share the file from the labeled config to current - just have the view open in two separate windows. This will retain all of the version history.
There is a hiccup in that it will not allow you to share the file into the same folder as it originally existed (as of 2008R2). Just share the file into a different folder then move it.
All history is retained. Note that the new instance is a share, so you may want to check the reference tab before branching to make sure it will do what you expect.