



Is there any tool for ER modeling and then converting models to a Microsoft SQL Server database?

The tool should has this features:

  • ER Diagrams shoud be in UML Notation (see this, the last is UML notation).
  • Export models to a Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008 database (by creating a mdf file or connecting to a MSSQL Server and creating suitable database in it).

I tried Microsoft Visio but seems not support UML Notation nor Exporting to MS SQL Server.
I also tried Visual Paradigm but i'm not sure i could export models to MS SQL Server.


Take a look at the following Microsoft Reference

When All You Want is an ER Diagram

John Sansom

If you accept commercial software, there are some choices:

  1. Upgrade to Microsoft Visio Professional - it supports UML and database modelling

  2. Enterprise Architect

  3. Power Designer- my preferred tool for working with ER diagrams.

  4. ErWin

There are many variants, e.g. many choices listed here.

I'm not sure the Visio is the best choice, but it supports reverse engineering (as asked in question).

Personally I prefer ERD diagrams for databaser data models. SQL Power's data architectis great for that, and it supports any RDBMS (through JDBC). It does not support UML though. does support some UML notation, but generates MySql Specific SQL. You can write a plugin for it to generate other SQL dialects

Roland Bouman
So these two solutions are not the answer ;)

Visual UML can:

  • UML
  • Database reverse engineering
  • Database forward engineering -- generate DDL scripts.

If you want to directly connect and generate DB and sync models (forward/reverse) try:

Damir Sudarevic

You can use my online database code-generator to generate SQL Server DDL Scripts (and Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL,...) from UML models. Instead of forcing you to use a specific UML tool to draw the models, several UML tools are allowed (including Microsoft Visio but also ArgoUML, Eclipse UML,...).


for more information

Jordi Cabot

I remember answering a similar question but cannot find it right now. I advised using DIA with SQL to DIA found here


I DID export my ER Model to SQL Server database with DB Visual Architect (a product of from Visual Paradigm family).

DB Visual Architect can export ER model to MSSQLServer/MySQL/...

It also let me to convert a ER Model to a class diagram that is identical to a UML notation.

However, it's not free.

anyway, Thanks all!
