





I want a live example of WCF Service. can anybody send me the url of the site that where WCF is implemented (except MSDN and Myspace). and I am also intereted about the developers who are working on WCF. Plese Help

Thanks, Pradyut Sinha

+2  A: 

I'm not sure what advantage it would give you to see the actual site - without knowing what server power is behind the site it would not be possible to determine efficiency/scaleability etc. And the interface - WCF is a communication protocol so any kind of interface could be put on top.

It's probably more helpful to see actual code. MSDN has examples - you can just cut and paste the code and then host your own WCF live service to look at as an example. It includes server and client code, enough to run everything.


Larry Watanabe

I don't have a "live" example of a WCF Service implemented on the web, but if you are simply looking for a working example of a WCF Service, I will refer you to the Publish-Subscribe example at Juval Lowy's website.

Matt Davis