



Using C# .NET 3.5 and WCF, I'm trying to write out some of the WCF configuration in a client application (the name of the server the client is connecting to).

The obvious way is to use ConfigurationManager to load the configuration section and write out the data I need.

    var serviceModelSection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.serviceModel");

Appears to always return null.

    var serviceModelSection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("appSettings");

Works perfectly.

The configuration section is present in the App.config but for some reason ConfigurationManager refuses to load the system.ServiceModel section.

I want to avoid manually loading the xxx.exe.config file and using XPath but if I have to resort to that I will. Just seems like a bit of a hack.

Any suggestions?

+5  A:

// Automagically find all client endpoints defined in app.config
ClientSection clientSection = 
    ConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.serviceModel/client") as ClientSection;

ChannelEndpointElementCollection endpointCollection =
    clientSection.ElementInformation.Properties[string.Empty].Value as     ChannelEndpointElementCollection;
List<string> endpointNames = new List<string>();
foreach (ChannelEndpointElement endpointElement in endpointCollection)
// use endpointNames somehow ...

Appears to work well.

+7  A: 

The < system.serviceModel> element is for a configuration section group, not a section. You'll need to use System.ServiceModel.Configuration.ServiceModelSectionGroup.GetSectionGroup() to get the whole group;

Mark Cidade
+1  A: 

This is what I was looking for thanks to @marxidad for the pointer.

    public static string GetServerName()
        string serverName = "Unknown";

        Configuration appConfig = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
        ServiceModelSectionGroup serviceModel = ServiceModelSectionGroup.GetSectionGroup(appConfig);
        BindingsSection bindings = serviceModel.Bindings;

        ChannelEndpointElementCollection endpoints = serviceModel.Client.Endpoints;

        for(int i=0; i<endpoints.Count; i++)
            ChannelEndpointElement endpointElement = endpoints[i];
            if (endpointElement.Contract == "MyContractName")
                serverName = endpointElement.Address.Host;

        return serverName;