



Hello. It looks like I can't set left margin to be less then 42pt width. I am setting it to 0f but it always ends as 42pt. If I set margin to any number greater then 0 it just adds it to initial margin of 42pt. I am setting margin of document object:

iTextSharp.text.Rectangle docRect = new iTextSharp.text.Rectangle(pageWidth, pageHeight);
DC = new Document(docRect);
DC.SetMargins(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);

Page width and height are 6x9 in.

And I end with:


I would appreciate any help. Thanks.


Your problem may have to do with how you are adding the content to your document. If you are using a Table (instead of a PdfPTable), even if you have a left margin of 0, the table will still be placed indented from the left margin by default.

The default spacing works out to be about 10% of the width of the printable page area. So the left edge of the Table would be placed at ( 0.10 * (pageWidth - leftMargin - rightMargin)).

10% of 6 inches (at 72 pts per inch) is equal to 43.2 pts, pretty close to the 42 pts you are getting.


I am using PdfPTable and the problem was default PdfPTable horizontal alignment which is CENTER. As soon as I set alignmentof table to left problem went away.

PdfPTable bTable = new PdfPTable(2);
bTable.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;

Thanks, Velja

Velja Radenkovic