





MVC patter uses delegates to interconnect a lot of class objects with each over. For Qt they are signals and slots, for C# they are events, for Java they are closures. But all diagramming and UML designers i know only operates with inheritance and child-parent composition :(. Is it any software available that allows to draw classes visually, design delegates, connect delegates to endpoints and generate code based on such a 'model'?

The description above may not be accurate: i'm not very deep in terminology. If anyone want any clarification about this question, please comment, i wll clarify what is unclear.

+2  A: 

AndroMDA has support to generate a web user interface from a UML model that defines the flow of an application. See the Search Criteria Panel from the Getting Started Java documentation. If you use the AndroMDA BPM4Struts cartridge, the presentation layer will be MVC based. Not sure this is what you're looking for though.

PS: The history of MDA is not full of successful experiences - and this is an euphemism - and I wouldn't recommend this approach (even less for the presentation layer)

Pascal Thivent
+5  A: 

I've had good experiences with Sparx System's Enterprise Architect. You can download a fully functional 30 day trial.

+1 Indeed a very good tool
Alexey Kalmykov
for code generation?
Stephan Eggermont
+1, I love to use Enterprise Architect, but I generally don't use its built-in code generation capabilities; I do prefer to access its model from a C# script so I build my code generator; this gives flexibility to create anything I want
Rubens Farias

The only way you can succesfully apply MDA is the other way around. Define the model in a fluent DSL, and generate the diagrams you need out of it.

I've used TogetherJ and Enterprise Architect, but I'm not impressed. Nice diagrams, lousy workflow. I very much prefer a Smalltalk environment (preferably with MOOSE) and a few diagram generators.

Stephan Eggermont
+1  A: 

If you're looking for something free / open-source, there's always:


I have checked it, but can't find any way to model signa-to-slot kind of relationship.
Eye of Hell