




What should be the top 10 CSS and HTML questions to ask an interviewee? To test his level of knowledge if interviewee mentioned 2 yrs. experience in XHTML and CSS.


how we can know interviewee's cross browser layout making capability? My question is only related to xhtml css coding not about design ability

+7  A: 
  1. Why is it a good idea to split HTML and CSS?
  2. What is the difference between inline and block elements?
  3. What is a doctype good for?
  4. What is the difference between classes and ids?
  5. What is the difference between margin and padding?

These should be more than plenty to see how much candidate knows about browsers, standards and the reasoning behind HTML and CSS. Maybe you could throw in some floats, positioning and similar stuff if you want to test detailed CSS knowledge.

Update: The point is the kind of answer you are going to get, of course. If you ask about margin and padding and you get a clean drawing of box content, added padding, border line and margin, possibly collapsing against another box, you know the guy knows what he is talking about. Same goes for all the other questions.

good points zoul
@Jitendra I would prefer to go with robertc's questions as i m a fresher software developer with little knowlege of css and html and i couldn't answer his questions. But among these 5 question, I can answer 4. So can't judge 2yrs xprs knowledge. Moreover what i feel to ask in interview is about different issues in which firefox and IE contradict each other like png file issue, opacity etc.
Shantanu Gupta
I agree. I've never coded a complete website, and I could still answer at least 4 of these just by the little reading I have done. These probably won't show if someone has 2 yrs exeprience.
Edan Maor
...and I can't answer some of those but I can still code even the most complex layout in xhtml strict. Theory and practical don't always tie up.
@Nimbuz - you are right
Nimbuz: Which one of these could you not answer?
It would take around two lessons at a community college to learn the model answers to these. Whilst it's what the user asked for if you use them as the basis for finding a developer you'll end up hiring a dud eventually.
+1  A: 
  1. What do you see as the main differences between html and xhtml?
  2. Are there benefits to using one over the other?
David Thomas
html vs xhtml it is a very different topic
+4  A: 

No amount of questions in a short interview would establish a person's skill level. And there is the question of innovative qualities of a person which may not reveal itself in an interview. Some people may be introverted and shy or suffer from interview jitters others may be smooth talkers with little substance. There is also the challenge of asking objective questions not opinions.

If I show up for an audition to join a symphonic orchestra and tell them I have been playing the violin for 20 years they will not ask me about the construction of the bridge or the best material for bow strings. They give me a music score and ask me to play.

I suggest creating a simple web page that requires the techniques mentioned in the answers above, showing it to the candidate and asking the candidate to re-produce it in 30 minutes using the notepad. This will sort out the experienced from the novice.

Square Rig Master
Perfect way of finding the Hard-Coders opposed to the common WYSIWYGers. Ill give you a +1!
drlouie - louierd
+8  A: 
  1. What is the CSS box model?
  2. What is the difference between quirks mode, standards mode and almost standards mode?
  3. Tell me about hasLayout.
  4. What would be the most appropriate markup for: a navigation menu; a picture gallery; a blog post. (Why? Can you think of some alternatives? Might be good to draw these up on a whiteboard or something)
  5. What's the difference between <p class="main_header">Foo</p> and <h1 class="main_header">Foo</h1>?
  6. Why is this a bad idea?: <span class="red">Bar</span>
  7. Describe how to set opacity and how will it appear in Gecko, WebKit and IE.
  8. How can you set few properties on to textboxes as default?
  9. A design calls for png files with alpha transparency, what issues might you encounter?

Some of these are the same as zoul's questions except from a slightly different angle - I was aiming for questions that would lead to a bit of a discussion.

hasLayout might be a little bit too harsh for a non-pro.
added 3 more questions
Shantanu Gupta
Mostly great points. A few issues though:* hasLayout is IE-specific, nothing to do with the CSS/HTML specs. Knowing about it isn't bad, but I wouldn't expect anyone to, and would probably mark them down if they actually implied that they might use it.* The wording of question 6 implies that only one reason is expected. There are many problems: red as a vague class name, the class name implying presentation rather than semantics, "red bar" implying that the text is to be laid out as a horizontal bar despite "red", span (inline element) used for bar (block display), etc.Question 9: ?
Lee B
It may be IE specific, but if you're going to design websites with HTML and CSS you need to know what it is, how to trigger it when it's needed and what might have triggered by accident if not. You can't mark people down for implying they might use it because they'll have to use it to get a lot of CSS stuff to work properly in IE. As far as question 6 is concerned - Bar is as in 'Foobar', not as in 'Menu Bar' or 'Mars Bar', you're reading too much into it. The reason I was looking for there was class name implying presentation.
+3  A: 

Apart from HTML/CSS/JS specific or problem-solving questions, I would also ask what sort of tools she/he is using to get a task done. It often gives good insights about 'how' someone works and gives good/relaxed room for discussion. Good developers always have good and sharp tools.

manuel aldana
+1 for this one. Dreamweaver you say? We'll let you know.
Hmm.. Frontpage, I see. Don't call us, we'll call you.


Ask the person to make a simple page with a header, a two column layout, and a footer with each column having a different background color extending to the footer. Get them to flip the columns around on completion.

A couple of questions that are tricky.

How do absolutes affect the flow?

How do floats affect the flow?

(they don't)

What are two practical difference between a relative and static?

Determine their interest in CSS and HTML with 'What is the semantic web and why is it important?' People should be able to speak with enthusiasm about bring information to the blind for example. People who really work in HTML and CSS and know their stuff tend to be quite passionate about how information is there for all.

IMO, Cross browser issues are becoming less important now as more people are using modern browsers that obey standards.

Ask about their interest in design. A good sense of design concepts tends to be important when working in a team - a programmer with a sense of design can communicate why such a design may not work well within a website and can explain better some of the limitations.

Ask: what do you think of flash :-)


Odd no one mentioned this yet...

Since the person claims to have two years of experience, they should have something to show for it - so ask to see recent works. Even if some of their work was internal or protected by NDA or such, if they are any good, they ought to have something they've done just to try out new things or such.

I believe real examples would be the best gauge for actual skill in this case. People can easily learn various details about HTML and CSS, but being able to apply them is a totally different matter. It should also demonstrate their ability to write cross-browser compatible code (Just open their examples in IE, FF, Opera, Safari/Chrome)

Jani Hartikainen
if he doesnt have anything ask him to download something from internet and clame its his.
That's why you can call/mail the people to check it's actually their work...
Jani Hartikainen
thats also why html/css can be changed by anyone, even without the source code.
I'm sure the asker is smart enough to be able to figure out stuff like that. Find someone else to argue with =)
Jani Hartikainen

I've taken a number of tests over the past couple of years and in all honesty there are really no questions one can ask to judge how great someone is at coding in HTML and/or CSS.

First, if the interviewee claims to have written web pages over the past couple of years ask for a couple of examples. If possible get him/her to email you them, print them out and get the user to explain and critique everything about them. Completely tear through everything regarding their previous work and get them to explain everything they can about it.

Once this is done, the user should be given a small task involving the development of a web page. Give them a networked computer and clear the history, then give them a couple of web pages to be built over the space of n minutes. Tell them to document what they decide to do and what resources they'll be using and just let them get on with it. After a while check their references and look at the outcome. The user will never be able to perform their best work in such a short time but you'll be able to see how efficient they are by the quality of their work.

Once this is done, give them a broken web page and give them a small amount of time to fix it to the point of it being standards-compliant. This should be an easy task to perform for most given good use of their tools.

It's obviously not an exact science, but a range of these methods have always found suitable candidates for many companies and it seems that a lot of Web Design places rarely ask questions nowadays and will move onto simple practical exercises to ensure that the interviewee can do what is asked of them.

just dont ask him to make your page better since its already perfect.
You'd have to be either a genius or a fool to criticise the company you're interviewing for during your interview.
@endermb i did. i work there now and rebuilt their site :)
  1. Do you know how to clear floats?
  2. Write a simple nested list.
  3. Ask them to make a simple layout (header, 2 col, footer) and include table data. See if they go div crazy, table crazy, or stick to what's correct.
  4. What's the difference between a class and an element?
  5. When they make a layout, look closely at what they name their classes. If they are layout-specific ("left-column", "bottom-section", "red-box") and not structure-specific ("column", "header", "footer", "navigation"), they're doing it wrong.
  6. If the answer to 1. is "by using clearing divs", hit them across the face with a bat before you send them out the door.
6) What’s so wrong with clearing divs?
the markup `<div class="clear"></div>` is one of the worst possible code bloats and is equivalent to 5). learn how to clear your floats the correct way.
Come on, you’re clearly exaggerating. ‘Clearing’ using an auto overflow or whatever other ‘correct’ technique you might be talking about is nice, but clearing divs are fine. If they were to be *the only* thing the interviewee does ‘wrong’ in CSS I’d be quite thrilled to hire him. Or do you *really* think this is the #1 issue to bother about when hiring a HTML/CSS guy?
using clearing divs means that you do not fully understand the separation of code and style. i would not hire someone who used clearing divs if their job was to code my UI. well, i might hire him if that was his *only* problem and then show him the correct way... either way, clearing divs = horrible code smell
You'll often need the left-column classes. Of course, column:first-child or similar might be better, but then it won't work in IE6.
you NEVER need "left-column" classes. wow, do you guys really not understand CSS? "left-column" can be replaced with two classes, if you really want, but make them describe the CONTENT not the LAYOUT. for instance, create a class `column` and then another class, say, `business` and then apply both classes, so you have `class="business column`. Then you can have whatever generic styling you need on `column` and specialized styling on `business`, like `float: left` or whatever. and STOP SUPPORTING IE6
you know what, i CHALLENGE YOU to improve your CSS writing. make a simple layout using classes that you like, "left-column", "right-column" whatever. then, take your layout and make it more generic. "business column" "idea column" whatever, just make sure that you use "column" as one class applied to both columns. once you've mimicked your initial layout with the second way, i want you to FLIP your columns in your CSS in both. then look at your HTML and tell me which makes more sense.