



This may sound stupid...

I am wondering if anyone knows on-line enviroment for developing an ASP.NET web application. What do i understand thru this? A website where you write your code, save the project, etc, and test it on-line.

At the moment i am "stranded"... unable to test the code i write, because i can not install what i need on the computer i work on (not mine).


I don't have personal experience with it, but a friend of mine uses WebHost4Life which offers an online text editor that you can read/edit files directly on the server.


sounds like a web host is needed. do you know what component you need to install and if you need administrator access to do it?

maybe you can find a way to install it on your site?

or get a host with remote desktop so you can do stuff remotely.

a host like 1and1 has some fairly easy to use shared or windows vps hosting plans. vps gives you administrator access to your own virtual windows installation. shared is cheaper, but you don't have admin access. if you need more power, go with a dedicated box.


An alternative solution that I've used is Tiny Web Server. It can be run off a flash drive, does not require IIS to be installed, and can be used to easily test your applications. Depending on the environment you are running from it may be a good workaround.
