What compressor is the best for javascript and css minified ? I am using YUI compressor , now. Any other best than YUI compressor ?
I'm using JSMin service. I don't know if it's better or worse then YUI Compressor but it works well.
2009-12-26 12:06:02
JSmin can compress CSS ?
2009-12-26 12:10:10
No, I'm afraid only JS.
2009-12-26 12:41:04
For JavaScript you could check for your self via the CompressorRater.
Another JavaScript compressor to note is the one that Google uses closure, checkout this article, which is not featured there.
Zoran Regvart
2009-12-26 12:17:46
can compress CSS ? I can't find it ? Do you know css compressor ? closure is a another great tool for JS ;)
2009-12-26 13:18:12
CompressorRater is only for JavaScript, checkout various links on css compression and pick your favorite (I'm using Yahoo's YUI compressor):http://designshack.co.uk/articles/css/18-css-compression-tools-and-techniqueshttp://developer.yahoo.com/yui/compressor/http://www.phpied.com/cssmin-js/http://www.cssdrive.com/index.php/main/csscompressor/
Zoran Regvart
2009-12-26 13:42:21
oh! great.. http://designshack.co.uk/articles/css/18-css-compression-tools-and-techniques
2009-12-27 04:13:03
I like Shrinksafe
Many other tools also shrink JavaScript files, but ShrinkSafe is different. Instead of relying on brittle regular expressions, ShrinkSafe is based on Rhino, a JavaScript interpreter. This allows ShrinkSafe to transform the source of a file with much more confidence that the resulting script will function identically to the file you uploaded.
For CSS you can use Minify
2009-12-26 19:54:27