



Hi dudes,

I have a TWebBrowser object which is created in runtime and used in background, that is, not visible. The problem is that events like OnDocumentComplete dont work or are not triggered in Delphi2009. Any advice?

procedure TfrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  FWebBrowser:= TWebBrowser.Create(Self);
  FWebBrowser.RegisterAsBrowser:= True;
  FWebBrowser.OnDocumentComplete:= WhenDocIsCompleted;

procedure TfrmMain.WhenDocIsCompleted(ASender: TObject; const pDisp: IDispatch;
  var URL: OleVariant);
  ShowMessage('Doc is completed!');

There is any difference important between Navigate and Navigate2? How can I enable cookies here?

Thanks in advance.

+1  A: 

A component working perfectly with web-pages cookies is TEmbeddedWB from EmbeddedWB and is free.

Billiardo Aragorn
I cant access EmbeddedWB website for long time. I have the sources and Im using in Delphi 2010, also I have improved some parts and fixed some bugs.
Cesar Romero

You may have this issue because the TWebBrowser internally works closely together with the handle of the parent form to get messages posted from windows. Try using a hidden form with the TWebBrowser on (optionally run-time created as well), and/or investigate if the HandleAllocated and HandleNeeded methods could help you.

Stijn Sanders