My web application is developed with Struts2 and it was working fine till recently. All of a sudden one of the modules has started malfunctioning.
The malfunctioning module is 'Update Student details' page. This page has a lot of fields like 'schoolName', 'degreeName', etc .
School 1: <input name="schoolName">
School 2: <input name="schoolName">
School n: <input name="schoolName">
As mentioned earlier, the page was working perfectly fine till recently. Now, one/many of the values of 'schoolName', 'degreeName', etc are being received as "" (EMPTY STRING) on the server-side.
For debugging, I used firebug and remote-debugging in eclipse. I find that the post-parameters are correct on the client-side. For instance, during one of the submissions the post-parameters were as below (i noted them from firebug).
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------2921238217421
Content-Length: 48893
<OTHER_PARAMETERS> <!--Truncated for clarity -->
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="schoolName"
ABC Institute
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="schoolName"
Test School
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="schoolName"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="schoolName"
Texas Institute
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="schoolName"
XXXX School
But on the server-side, the request params were as below:
schoolName=[ABC Institute, Test School, XYZ, , XXXX School],
"Texas Institute" was received as "" (EMPTY STRING) in this particular case. This is not happening consistently. The parameters that become NULL (or EMPTY STRING) seem random to me - during one instance, parameter schoolName[3] became null as illustrated above, parameter schoolName[2] became null during yet another submission, etc. At times, none of the parameters are nullified.
The following is the list of the interceptors in the action definition.
List of interceptors:
org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ServletConfigInterceptor StaticParametersInterceptor
This issue appears rather weird to me and I have not been able to zero-in on the exact cause of the issue. Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Thanks, Raghuram