I designed a nice STOP graphic with red bg and gradient and all that in Expression Design - just like it'll look on a real taperecorder or something.
I exported it as a XAML WPF Resource dictionary and got the XAML code.
I want this graphic to appear inside the button along with the text "STOP".
If I directly paste the XAML inside the button tag, it is not working.
I tried searching, but all search results seem to be talking about something called button template and they are setting styles and stuff. that's not what i want.
Is it like, not everything you design in Expression Design won't go inside a button? How can I put any design XAML as the content of a button?
This is what I got from exporting as XAML. Can this be put inside Button tag?
<DrawingBrush x:Key="Layer_1" Stretch="Uniform">
<GeometryDrawing Geometry="F1 M 2.72,0.160004L 16.0533,0.160004C 17.4672,0.160004 18.6133,1.30615 18.6133,2.72L 18.6133,12.96C 18.6133,14.3739 17.4672,15.52 16.0533,15.52L 2.72,15.52C 1.30615,15.52 0.16,14.3739 0.16,12.96L 0.16,2.72C 0.16,1.30615 1.30615,0.160004 2.72,0.160004 Z ">
<Pen Thickness="0.32" LineJoin="Round" Brush="#FFFFFFFF"/>
<LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0.5,-0.111111" EndPoint="0.5,1.11111">
<GradientStop Color="#FFDDB8B8" Offset="0.00465116"/>
<GradientStop Color="#FFA60E0E" Offset="0.986046"/>