



I'm trying to create and use a .NET StreamWriter object inside a classic ASP page (VBScript). Normally I would create the object like this:

Dim writer
Set writer = Server.CreateObject("System.IO.StreamWriter")

However, the constructor for StreamWriter takes a Stream object as a parameter, and the call to CreateObject fails. Even if I could get a parameterless constructor to execute without error, the BaseStream property of the StreamWriter class is read-only, so I couldn't set it to my Stream after object creation.

Is there a way to specify constructor parameters when doing interop from VBScript to .NET in this way? And no, doing this doesn't work:

Set writer = Server.CreateObject("System.IO.StreamWriter", stream)

My alternative would be to create my own .NET wrapper class with a paramterless constructor and register that assembly for COM interop, but I'd like to avoid that if it's not necessary.

+5  A: 

According to this post, and the documentation, it is not supported. You need to create a wrapper class in .NET in order to use the StreamWriter from classic ASP.

you linked same page twice =)
Rubens Farias
Fixed the link :-)