Hi, I want to use twisted (and StarPy which is a protocol implementation for asterisk ami) to connect to an asterisk server. The application initiates a outgoing fax there. I found some hints on my problem, but I cannot find out how to handle this correctly.
The first fax is sent out correctly.
Problem is, if I call twisted for the second time, the application keeps hanging in main loop.
I know I may NOT do this like here:
from starpy import manager
from twisted.internet import reactor
def main():
f = manager.AMIFactory(cUser, cPass)
print "Login"
df = f.login(cServer, cPort)
def onLogin(protocol):
print "Logoff again"
df = protocol.logoff()
def onLogoff( result ):
print "Logoff erfolgt"
return df.addCallbacks( onLogoff, onLogoff )
def onFailure( reason ):
print "Login failed"
print reason.getTraceback()
df.addCallbacks( onLogin, onFailure )
return df
if __name__ == "__main__":
reactor.callWhenRunning( main )
print "runned the first time"
reactor.callWhenRunning( main )
print "will never reach this point"
I simplified the code - it does nothing than login + logoff again. It will never return from the second reactor.run() call.
How is this done correctly? I'm stuck here - thanks in advance.
Best Regards, Florian.