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I have seen several people suggest that TestDriven.NET will help my slow MSTest woes. Most of them point to the ability to run a single test easier.

I have resharper which can run a single test easily.

So my question is, does TestDriven.NET actually speed up a run of a MS Test unit test or just make it easier to run?

+1  A: 

Under what circumstances are you finding MS Test slow?

If you want to run a single test, you just do CTRL-R,T within the test method. If you want to run all of the tests in a test class then put the cursor in the class but not in a method and do CTRL-R. You can debug with CTRL-R, CTRL-T and run all tests with CTRL-R,A.

I find using MS Test to run tests much quicker than using resharper to run the tests.

Darrel Miller
Well, I used NUnit on a project that was not mine, at it was so fast! I was hoping that there was a way to speed up MSTest to even be close to that fast. For TDD it seems to take so long to go through all the steps.
+1  A: 

Depending on whether you are doing code coverage or not and how big you binaries are try switching off deployment in the test run config. The IDE will copy the app binaries and test binaries into an out directory and run the tests from there this takes up space if you don't need ot keep thema round, and you pay for the file copy time as well. Hence if you have large files that need deployed this can hurt.